Cornishware- the Real Deal
When it comes to Cornish Pottery, you really want it to be made in Cornwall. Local materials and connections are really important to me and my work. That's why I'm proud to say my work is the real deal.
The clay comes from St Agnes, on the North Cornish coast, dug by hand - well actually a small digger and mixed by Nathaniel Doble, who also farms the land locally and keeps prize winning cows that he's extremely proud of and and rightly so as they are real beauties!
The china clay which is used not only in the clay to make it whiter but is also a key ingredient in my glaze is from just down the road in St Austell. Known as 'the white peaks' you can see the evidence of Cornwall's china clay history as you drive down the A30. The china clay is transported all over the world from the IMERYS docks in Fowey- where my boys row gigs every week and is not only used in pottery but is used for so many different things from paper making to cosmetics.
Finally everything I make is made by me in my studio here in South East Cornwall. Nearly everything is wheel thrown or slab built by hand.